
This section includes research papers published by our trainee in the international journals.

  1. Sexual and Reproductive Health Education in Adolescents of Nepal: Current Status, Knowledge Gaps, and Strategic Interventions by Prajapati, R., Sah, A. K., Koirala, A., Mulmi, A., Thapa, N., Khanal, P., … Giri, S. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements.
  2. Groundwater potential mapping of Rupandehi District using geographic information system and remote sensing by Pokhrel, A., Khanal, A. & Khanal, A. International Journal of Energy Water Resources.
  3. Addressing Mental Health Challenges in Nepal: A Review of Policies, Status, and Strategies for Improvement by Prajapati, R., Lamichhane, A., Shrestha, B., Shah, L. K., Siddique, M., Singh, P. K., … Giri, S.
  4. Hydro-energy generation in Chameliya River Basin amid climate change by Avishek Khanal, Mukesh Kafle, Ashish Khanal & Prabin Neupane. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research.
  5. Promoting Decent Work and Equal Pay in the Informal Agricultural Sector: A Gender Perspective by Shrestha, P., Bhandari, G., Rai, M., Khadka, N., Rai, S., Tamrakar, S., … Giri, S.  Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Management.
  6. Agro-tourism in Nepal: Assessment of economic, cultural, and environmental impact by Aaditi Khanal, Avishek Khanal, Femmy Basnet, Sabila Joshi, Suja Giri.
  7. The Interplay between Climate Change and Hydroelectricity: Impacts and the Role in Combating Climate Change by P Shrestha, A Khanal, D Sakhakarmi, D Upreti, S Giri, Journal of Sustainability and Environmental Management.
  8. Policy Measures, Practices and Challenges of Waste-to-Energy: Perspectives from Nigeria and Nepal by A Khanal, S Giri, OJ Oyebode, JE Omijeh. Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters.
  9. Transforming E-Waste Management: Challenges and Opportunities by Avishek Khanal, Pasang Sherpa, Prakriti Chataut, Ashish Khanal, Suja Giri. International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation.
  10. Agroforestry systems in Nepal: Enhancing food security and rural livelihoods–a comprehensive review by Ghimire, M., Khanal, A., Bhatt, D., Dahal, D., & Giri, S. Food and Energy Security.
  11. Role of Informal Waste Workers for Sustainable Waste Management in Nigeria and Nepal by A. Khanal, A. R. Aroyehun, A. Garba, M. B. Ibrahim, P. Adewale, and S. Giri. Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters.
  12. Occupational Health and Safety Issues in the Construction Industry in South Asia: A Systematic Review and Recommendations for Improvement by Nasana Bajracharya, Pawan Rana Magar, Suman Karki. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements.
  13. Integrated Solid Waste Management for the Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities for Nepal by Monika Subedi, Supreme Pandey. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements.
  14. Ethnobotany of the Medicinal Plants: Case of Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba) and Its Benefits for Nepal, India, and Bhutan by Suja Giri, Narendra Ojha, Shubechya Subedi, Srijana Rana, Yubraj Bhandari, Ashish Khanal. Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters,
  15. Occupational Health and Safety Issues in the Construction Industry in South Asia: A Systematic Review and Recommendations for Improvement by Nasana Bajracharya, Pawan Rana Magar, Suman Karki. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements, 
  16. Potential of solar energy in South Asia: Current challenges and opportunities by Sagar Khadka. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences, 2(1),
  17. Assessing Knowledge of Acute Respiratory Infections among Mothers of Under-Five Children in Kageshwori Manahara, Nepal by Rashmi Shrestha. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Advancements.
  18. The practices of at-source segregation of household solid waste by the youths in Nepal by Ashish Khanal, Suja Giri and Prasuj Mainali. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2023.
  19. Understanding the payment for ecosystem services and associated challenges: Global practices and recommendation for Nepal by Suja Giri, Anil Poudel, Ashish Khanal, Ronish Pandey, Roshan Paudel and Sugita Khanal. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 5(4), e2022017.