

Kyaw Than Oo is a senior meteorologist/climatologist from Myanmar and also a Ph.D. scholar at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and has a Master of Meteorology degree. After serving as a pilot for 6 years in Myanmar Air Force (MAF) since 2014, and he was promoted to the Meteorology Department of MAF, as a Head of the Department in 2012. He has also served as Meteorologist at the National HA/DR Committee at the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (MYANMAR), especially in applied aviation meteorology. He has been lecturing meteorology-relative subjects in Meteorology Courses (DMH, Myanmar) since 2017. He has attended and passed online technical courses from various international organizations such as United Nations, WMO, CLIVAR, MACQUARIE University, and UCAR too. He has written and published eight articles related to atmospheric and climate science and also a reviewer at various international journals such as Climate Risk Management, Advance in Meteorology, and International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences